Travel to Girnar
Where is Girnar and how do I get there?
Girnar is situated in Gujarat, India.
The nearest Railway station to Girnar is the Junagadh station at 5kms distance.
Nearest domestic airport is the Rajkot airport at 100kms distance or Ahmedabad is
the closest International airport situated around 335kms from Girnar, Junagadh.
Buses & taxis are available from all major cities to Junagadh.
When is the best time of the year to visit Girnar?
Winter season from November to February is a good time to visit, due to pleasant weather.
Chaumasa ( Rainy season ) is from July to October. We don’t recommend to climb during this time due to
violence caused to several living beings as we climb the mountain.
How many steps do we need to climb to reach Neminath Dada Toonk & Sahsavan?
From Girnar Taleti to Neminath Dada Toonk, it takes 3839 steps.
From Neminath Dada Toonk to Sahsavan it’s around 1800 steps. We strongly recommend to return via
the Sahsavan Toonk as Sahsavan is the powerful Kalyanak Bhumi of Girnar and has the most significance at Girnar.
What is the best time to climb?
Most people climb in the mornings as the weather is pleasant at this time and makes it easy to climb.
It takes 2hrs for a fit person to climb 3839 steps to Neminath Dada Toonk.